Sunday, April 13, 2014

Hooded Warbler Mission (13Apr2014)

Seems like everyone is getting Hooded Warblers but me.  So today I made it my mission to get one.  After the wife had her morning run I headed back to Lee Bucks.

First stop I had Yellow-throated Vireo, Red-eyed Vireo, Black-and-white Warbler and a Prothonotary Warbler that perched with ten feet of me.  There was one Yellow-bellied Sapsucker sticking around a little later than usual.

Prothonotary Warbler - Apparently its not named after roman clerics with yellow robes as Wikipedia would have you believe, but actually its a cajun term for a legal clerk.  Probably because prothonotaries love to hear themselves drone on.

Look closely and you can see a spider web in his bill.  Maybe collecting nesting material.

White driving down Lee Bucks I ran into Harry and Derb.  They were nice enough to key me into the location of a Hooded Warbler that had posed for them. And their instructions were perfect.

Hooded Warbler.

If you squint your eyes, the face in the above picture looks like a human face with a big nose and a gnarly black beard.  Almost like an Ancient Greek caricature.

Cattle Egret.

Northern Parula.

Great times.

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