Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Goatsuckers Galore (22 & 26 May2015)

Hello birders.  In one of my previous posts I alluded to a Whip that was on a nest.  Well it turns out it was a Chuck, not a Whip. However, very cool to say the least.  The person that told me of the bird had given very vague instructions so it took a couple of hours to find it and when I did finally find it, it was by flushing the poor bird.    I am pleased to report it went right back to the egg when I left.

Chuck-will's-widow - I could have gotten closer but I did not want to disturb the bird.  Please do not ask me where this bird is.  I would prefer not having tons of people disturbing it.  Last thing I would want is to have it abandon the egg.

So since this bird turned out to be a Chuck, I have little hope of getting a picture of a whip without harassing a bunch of birds with spotlights etc... What this means is that I have decided to use audio from my visit to Catfish Lake last weekend to stand in for a Whip picture.  I hope this will be my only audio only find for the year.  Its actually a video but of course it is dark so not much to see. The white spot is the moon or maybe a star, not the Whip's eye.


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