Saturday, May 16, 2015

Arctic Blast (16May2015)

I went back to Topsail this afternoon and I think I saw the alleged Brown Booby again way off shore, but otherwise the birding was very slow for all three hours up until just before dark when I almost stepped on this poor bird....

I almost dismissed it as a Common Tern because of the carpal bar.

But the more I looked at it the more I liked Arctic.

Extensive black cap coming down almost to gape.  Bill blood red with no dark tip.  Feet blood red and super short.

Tail appeared to be slightly longer than wing tips. Also breast contrasted nicely with back which would not be so evident in Common.

Look at those itty bitty legs.  I just wanted to put him in my pocket and bring him home.

I was worried that he was snagged in something but he did fly a bit down the beach a bit and appeared to be ok.

Any dissenters for Arctic Tern?

Cheers.  Oh by the way, I had 4 people say my photo from last post was a Brown Booby and one say it was a Norther Gannet, so I am going with Booby and we will let the bird police sort it out.

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