Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Family Time and George's B-Day (28Feb2014 - 01Mar2014)

Well I am sorry to say things have been very slow lately for the birds.  I have been slammed at work and the few times I did get out it was only local little forays adding nothing new.  However this past weekend I did manage to add a few despite it being mostly a family affair.

Friday was a quick trip to Greenfield Lake and I saw tons of common birds including a huge flock of Grackle in the hundreds mixed in with some Rusty Blackbirds.  The Rusty BBs were in a densely shaded area and the photos did not come out.

American Robin - there were close to 100 of these foraging in the dying light trying to get one more worm before bed.

Saturday started with some present opening for George's 7th B-day. Then we headed out for a family 5k and fun run.  In the drive way I spotted a Cooper's Hawk and managed a poor recording shot but I am going to hold off adding it to my tally as I hope to get a much better picture.

Luke won his age group for the 5k at 23 minutes.  33rd place out of over 200 runners most of which were adults.  The kid is fast!  Melissa of course won first place female with a 19 minute something second 5k.  Par for the course for her.

Next up was George and his first race, the miraculous mile! He is the little guy with the green pants.

George went out too fast and finished kind of slow but for his first race did awesome.  However, he did not enjoy it very much so not sure if there will be a second race in the future.  Melissa, Fay and friend helped George to bring it in for the last section.

Already added Cardinal, but I thought this strange subspecies was worth a pic.

After the race we jumped in the car for the ride up to Raleigh for a B-Day celebration including bowling, Indian food and a Lego Convention.  Right before dark we made it to Bond Park on a tip from a fellow birder and located the broken off tree where a Barred Owl was supposed to be sitting on a nest.  I was quite frustrated when I found the roost vacant but I kind of figured the owl would already be out foraging.

Sharp eyed Melissa (after laser corrective surgery) spotted the owl high up in a Pine, I think a Loblolly. The light was fading so I was surprised I managed a half decent photo.

My owl finding crew.

Sunday after the Lego Convention (hell on earth) we split up and I headed out to Greensboro to see if I could find two recently reported good birds - Red Necked Grebe at Townsend Lake Marina and Ross' Goose at a dairy farm sludge pond near High Point.  I won't bore you with the details but I dipped on both accounts.  It was especially frustrating because after scouring Lake Townsend, I got an email from the list serv that someone was looking at the Grebe 3 hours later and I was too far out to head back.  You can't win them all.

Great times (mostly).

1 comment:

  1. Each of you achieved something! And the Barred Owl was a real family success, and a good photo to boot.
