Thursday, November 17, 2016

Three Wrens and a Fox (01-17Nov2016)

Hello birders,

My posts are getting fewer and farther between as there is not much to get for my year effort anymore.  That being said, my birding has not slowed down. I still get out as much as I can.

Snowy Egret - Most of my trips have been to Fort Fisher to try for things like Snow Bunting, Mottled Duck and Fox Sparrow.  It's as close to a patch that I have gotten.

Northern Harrier - but I have made several trips to the RTP area for work on the past several weeks and was able to check out spots like Mid Pines (above picture), Mason Farm (below picture) and the Chapel Hill Arboretum.

Golden-crowned Kinglet

I love the Piedmont and would not mind moving up there to be close to the mountains and the coast.  The people are usually share my world view more than the area which I live now.  I have to admit I am devastated by the election and really frustrated with the path the country has selected.  Although many things concern me I am particularly concerned about the environment.  It scares the crap out of me that our President does not believe in climate change.

Savannah Sparrow at Fort Fisher

One of the days last week the waves were great but I had the kids with me and was relegated to only watching.  The spot at Fort Fisher is a legendary spot that hardly ever breaks, but it was working that day.


When I saw these puddle ducks on the aquarium pond from a half mile away I was convinced that I finally had my Mottled Ducks.  Upon closer inspection the huge bills gave them away as Shovelers.

This week I was back in RTP for work and had some time to look for Fox Sparrows at Mason Farm.  I saw Mary S and chatted with her.  She said last year on this date she had a Fox Sparrow at the Arboretum near the little Cabin in the Mountain Habitat area.  So off I went and it did not take long before I ran into guess who?  Foxy Lady!

Fox Sparrow - there were two of them right where Mary said.

Finally this morning I headed to my patch - Fort Fisher.

Mourning Dove

I can't remember the last time I had a Red-shouldered Hawk on the beach.

Sedge Wrens were very obliging today.

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

House Wrens were also hanging out chittering away.

Marsh Wren - In one bush I had a hat trick of Wrens - Sedge, Marsh and House.

Someone found a Snow Bunting at the Ft. Fisher monument over the weekend and I have checked several times since then with no luck.

Eastern Bluebird.